In this week’s Torah portion, Vayera Avrohom faces the most difficult of his ten tests, to sacrifice his child. The Akedah is perhaps the most perplexing chapter in the Torah. How could Avrohom agree to do what was forbidden? When Cain killed Abel it can be argued that Cain did not know it was wrong.…
This week’s Torah portion, Chayeh Sara, “The life of Sara”, begins with Sara’s death which follows the story of the akedah, binding of Isaac, at the end of last week’s portion. Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, known as RASHI, a famous 11th century French commentator on the Torah is bothered by the strange juxtaposition of the almost…
In this week’s Torah portion, Chayeh Sarah, Avrohom’s wife has died. Avrohom buries her, and then sends his servant Eliezer to the eastern side of the Jordan River where Avrohom is from, to look for a wife for Yitzchak. Eliezer famously makes a deal with God, a sign by which he will know the right…
Recently we all have undergone a shift of expectations and assumptions regarding Jewish life in the diaspora. Now we are surprised and a bit unnerved when a synagogue does not have armed guards at its entrance. How does this change of attitude, this fear, impact us on a communal and psychological level? This…
In this week’s Torah portion, Chayei Sara, Sarah dies and Avraham then appoints Eliezer – his servant – to find a wife for Yitzchak. The Torah describes in great detail the trip Eliezer takes and how he finds Rivka for Yitzchak. Rash”i is bothered by the long detailed depiction of Eliezer’s trip, and then the…
This week’s second Parsha, Kedoshim, begins, “You shall be holy because I the Lord your God am Holy. A man must fear his mother and father and guard my Shabbats, I am God”. Rash”i tells us that this parsha was read at Hakel (the gathering of the entire Jewish people in Jerusalem every seven years),…
This past Shabbat, the Jewish community experienced the largest killing of Jews on American soil; murdered because they were Jews. We know well from Jewish history that whether or not we see ourselves as one, those who want to kill us certainly do. If we fight among ourselves, reject each other as illegitimate, or demonize…
In this week’s Torah portion, Chayeh Sarah, Sarah dies and Avrohom then appoints Eliezer his servant to find a wife for yitzchak. The Torah describes in great detail the trip Eliezer takes and how he finds Rivka for Yitzchak. Rash”i is bothered by the long detailed depiction of Eliezer’s trip and then the almost verbatim…
Today a national NBA basketball star, Amar’e Stoudemire, joined us for daveing. Now retired from playing and a coach of the Brooklyn Nets, this almost seven foot tall black convert to Judaism is inspired to daven with a minyan wherever he is. He has no want for money or honor, I’m sure he can have…
In this week’s double Torah portion, Acharey Mot and Kidoshim, the Torah tells us: “Say further to the Israelite people: Anyone among the Israelites, or among the strangers residing in Israel, who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall be put to death; the people of the land shall pelt him with stones. And…
This week’s parsha, Bereshit, describes, among other things, the creation of the world. The creation story is partly confusing, sometimes repetitive, and seemingly missing information. Thus it makes sense that according to many classical commentaries the Torah’s creation story is not literal, but rather its purpose is to teach us important lessons and foundational concepts,…
This week we read the double parsha of Acharey Mot and Kedoshim. Acharey Mot deals mostly with the laws of Yom Kippur and forbidden sexual relations and Kidoshim is filled with a wide variety of laws, both ritual and interpersonal. In Kedoshim the Torah states: “You shall not be unfair in judgment, do not favor…
In this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, we find two commandments about trees. (1) Do not cut down a fruit tree even in war, and (2) Do not plant an ashera trees near the altar. The commandment not to cut down a tree is a warning against wanton destruction which in jewish law is forbidden by…
Moshe’s heart is in the right place, he takes action to defend the weak and cares about those who are suffering. Nevertheless, for three reasons Moshe does not seem like a very good choice as leader. (1) He thinks himself incapable, telling God over and over that this is the case. But it is in…
In this week’s Torah portion, Vayera Avrohom faces the most difficult of his ten tests, to sacrifice his child. The Akedah is perhaps the most perplexing chapter in the Torah. How could Avrohom agree to do what was forbidden? When Cain killed Abel it can be argued that Cain did not know it was wrong.…
In this week’s parsha, Toldot, the Torah tells us Rivka gave birth to two twin brothers, Yaakov and Esav. Esav was a hairy person, a hunter and a man of the field and forest. Jacob was “ish tam,” “a simple man who dwelled in the tent.” Rash”i says “ish tam” means, “Someone who says what…