• Holiness, Leadership, and the Limits of Equality

    In this week’s Torah portion, Korach, Moshe’s cousin Korach challenges the leadership of Moshe and Aaron alongside 250 men. He says, “The whole nation is holy, and God is among them, so why do you elevate yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?”  The verses which follow clarify that Korach and those with him wanted…

  • Servant Leadership in the Face of Ego

    In this week’s Torah portion, Moses and Aaron’s cousin Korach and 250 leaders of the Jewish people gather against Moses and Aaron and say, “Its enough for you, for, the whole people are holy and God is in their midst, so why do you lord over the congregation of God?”  In the end Korach and…

  • Sacred Intentions, Dangerous Actions

    In this week’s Torah portion, Korach, we are told of a challenge to Moses and Aaron’s leadership in the desert.   Moses and Aaron’s cousin Korach and 250 leaders of the Jewish people come to Moshe and Aaron and say, “The whole people are holy and G-d is in their midst, so why do you…

  • Balancing Equality and Structure in Our Time

    In this week’s Parsha, Moshe’s cousin Korach challenges Moshe’s leadership, and says: “The whole people are holy, why do you raise yourself above the people of God?” The Midrash comments: “Korah said to Moses, “In the case of a tallit which is all blue, what is the rule about it being exempt from having the…

  • Korach, Exile, and Our Partial Return

    In this week’s parsha, Korach, Korach comes forward with an “edah”, a congregation. It is composed of several disgruntled sub-groups with various complaints. One group is upset that they are not kohanim and another is upset that Moshe has not brought them into the land flowing with milk and honey. Moshe wants to speak to…

  • Rethinking Holiness: The Legacy of Korach’s 250

    In this week’s Torah portion, Korach, Moshe’s cousin Korach (who is not a Kohen) approaches Moshe and Aaron with the claim, “the whole people is holy, why do you raise yourself up above the people of God?”  Moshe replies, “In the morning God will make known who is to Him and who are the holy…

  • We Are All Holy: Korach’s Claim Revisited

    In this week’s Torah portion, Korach, Moshe’s cousin Korach (who is not a Kohen) approaches Moshe and Aaron with the claim, “the whole people is holy, why do you raise yourself up above the people of God?”  Moshe replies, “In the morning God will make known who is to Him and who are the holy…