• Understanding Our Collective Covenant

    In this week’s Torah portion, Nitzavim, there are several words in the Torah scroll with seemingly extraneous dots on top of each letter in the verse, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may do all…

  • The Transformative Journey of Yom Kippur

    It is almost Rosh Hashanah and we all approach the High Holidays with different feelings and perspectives.  Some are worried about the coming year and hope that prayer will secure a healthy and prosperous year for them.  Others want to fulfill their chivuvim -obligations and mitzvot – by praying, hearing the shofar and fasting.  Still…

  • Teshuvah Through Love: Transforming Faults into Merits

    The Talmud states that teshuvah done from fear renders one’s sins, even if they were done intentionally, as if they were committed unintentionally, but teshuvah from love actually transforms intentional sins into merits. How is this possible? I think the answer lies in the nature of love itself.  Love results in some degree of unity…

  • Simchat Torah in Exile: Embracing Life and Possibility

    A well known verse in this Parsha states: “…I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse, -and you shall choose life,(u’vacharta b’chaim)-in order that you and your offspring shall live. (30:19)” Why do we need this verse?  Don’t we know we are supposed to choose the path of goodness and life?  Has…