The Talmud writes: “Rabbi Eliezer says: “Just as you can not fulfill your mitzvah of lulav on the first day of Sukkot with someone else’s lulav, so too you may not fulfill your obligation of Sukkah in someone else’s sukkah.” The Rabbis say: Although a person does not fulfill his obligation on the first day…
A great answer to a famous question Every child learns the question in Jewish day school. If the sukkah reminds us of God’s protection of the Jewish people in the desert why don’t we build it in the month of Nisan when the Jewish people left Egypt. There are many answers but one that Rav…
The sukkah is a perplexing space, symbolising a great number of things. When something has many explanations this indicates that its nature is not completely clear to us. Here is a list of what the Sukkah represents: 1. A Real Sukkah-The Torah writes that the purpose of the sukkah is: “In order that your generations…
Every child learns the question in Jewish day school. If the sukkah reminds us of God’s protection of the Jewish people in the desert why don’t we build it in the month of Nisan when the Jewish people left Egypt. There are many answers but one that Rav Yitzchok Hutner gives in his book Pachad…