• Shavuot 2014 – Reflections on our Community Shavuot Tikun and Jewish Unity

    This past Tuesday night, the first night of Shavuot, over 100 people from five different shuls and institutions, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox, came together to spend the night (some even made it all night!)  learning Torah together; to stand again as we did at Sinai, no matter our differences, as “one person with one heart”.…

  • Shavuot 2012

    It is not easy for people who share the same religious beliefs to see themselves as one. Due to differences they often label each other heretics and fanatics and deem each other guilty of undermining the welfare, identity, and religious underpinnings of the whole. Soon Jewish people all over the world will celebrate the Biblical…

  • Shavuot 2011 – Seeing the Sincerity in Those with Whom we Disagree

    It is not easy for the Jewish people to see themselves as one. They label each other heretics and fanatics, and deem each other guilty of undermining the welfare, identity, and religious underpinnings of the Jewish people as a whole. Some have noted that unfortunately it often takes persecution to bring Jewish unity.   Hitler…