• Breaking Free from Narrow Thinking

    Our era, ironically, has been called the age of communication.  When I was young, making a phone call from Israel to the United States cost a great deal and was not simple, so one might speak to their relatives abroad only rarely.   When my oldest was in Israel about 5 years ago calling was…

  • Abraham’s Nature and the Path of the People

    This week’s torah portion, Lech L’cha begins with God telling Abraham to leave his homeland and go, “to a place which I will show you.”   According to the Ramban God took Avrom traveling for a long time from land to land.  Why?   As Rashi says, “in order to make your nature, (your personality), known in…

  • Awakening to God: The Journey of Seeing and Changing

    This week’s parsha is our first introduction to Avrohom, the first Jew. We know very little about him except what God tells him: “Go for yourself, from your land, from your birthplace, and from your father’s house, to the land that I will show you. And I will make you a great nation, and I…

  • Building the Jewish Future: Kesher Israel’s Mission of Connection

    “And God said to Avram, go for yourself from your land, your birthplace, and from the house of your father, to the land which I will show you. And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. And…

  • Becoming a Vessel

    This week’s Torah portion is Lech Lecha in which God tells Abraham to leave his land, his family and his birthplace, and “go to a land which I will show you.”   Why, ask the commentaries, doesn’t God just tell him where he is being led; to the Land of Israel?  Why all the mystery?  The Sefat…

  • The Power of Letting Go in Community Building

    This week’s Torah portion is Lech Lecha, in which God tells Abraham to leave his land, his family and his birthplace, and “go to a land which I will show you.” Why, ask the commentaries, doesn’t God just tell him where he is being led – to the Land of Israel? Why all the mystery?…

  • Ego vs. Desire: The Two Sins of Saul and David

    I have often been perplexed by the very different reactions The torah has to the sin of King David and the sin of King Saul.  King Saul failed to fulfill the Torah’s command of wiping out Amalek in his war with them.  He let Agag the king of Amalek live.   Shmuel the profit takes…

  • When Normality Becomes Evil

    In this week’s parsha, Vayera, we read the story of Sodom. After Avrohom unsuccessfully argues with God to spare its inhabitants, Avrohom and the two angels go to save Avrohom’s nephew, Lot, from Sodom: “The two angels arrived in Sodom in the evening, as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them,…

  • Outspokenness and Obedience

    In this week’s Torah portion, Vayerah, God tells Abraham that he is going to destroy the city of Sodom.  Abraham’s response is, “Will you destroy the righteous with the wicked?  Perhaps there are 50 righteous people in the city…far be it from You, to kill the righteous with the wicked…will the judge of the entire…

  • Lessons from Vayera on Humility and Unity

    “The signature of God is truth.” -Talmud Shabbat 55a “It is better to be kind than to be right.” -Anne Lamont In this week’s Parsha, Vayera, the Master of the Universe tells a lie: “Then the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I in truth bear a child, old as I…

  • Building a Culture of Community

    Every shul describes itself as “warm and welcoming.” All too often though this means that communities work hard to welcome those they want to welcome, those that fit in. A culture of welcoming is one in which welcoming is so ingrained and lauded that it is viewed as the most important Jewish characteristic. That anyone…

  • Abraham and Sara’s Tent

    In the beginning of this week’s Torah portion (Vayara) we find Abraham talking to G-d. Suddenly he sees three nomads coming toward him. Immediately Abraham runs out to greet them, brings them into his open tent and cooks them a meal. (It is this preoccupation with over feeding people that deems him the first Jew.)…

  • The True Test of Abraham’s Faith

    In this week’s Torah portion, Vayera Avrohom faces the most difficult of his ten tests, to sacrifice his child.  The Akedah is perhaps the most perplexing chapter in the Torah.  How could Avrohom agree to do what was forbidden?  When Cain killed Abel it can be argued that Cain did not know it was wrong.…

  • The Passing of a Divine Tradition

    This week’s Torah portion, Chayeh Sara, “The life of Sara”, begins with Sara’s death which follows the story of the akedah, binding of Isaac, at the end of last week’s portion.  Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, known as RASHI, a famous 11th century French commentator on the Torah is bothered by the strange juxtaposition of the almost…

  • Eliezer’s Sign and the Role of Divine Guidance

    In this week’s Torah portion, Chayeh Sarah, Avrohom’s wife has died.  Avrohom buries her, and then sends his servant Eliezer to the eastern side of the Jordan River where Avrohom is from, to look for a wife for Yitzchak.  Eliezer famously makes a deal with God, a sign by which he will know the right…

  • How Law and Narrative Shape Our Tradition

    In this week’s Torah portion, Chayei Sara, Sarah dies and Avraham then appoints Eliezer – his servant – to find a wife for Yitzchak. The Torah describes in great detail the trip Eliezer takes and how he finds Rivka for Yitzchak. Rash”i is bothered by the long detailed depiction of Eliezer’s trip, and then the…

  • Jewish Unity: The Antidote to Antisemitism

    This past Shabbat, the Jewish community experienced the largest killing of Jews on American soil; murdered because they were Jews. We know well from Jewish history that whether or not we see ourselves as one, those who want to kill us certainly do. If we fight among ourselves, reject each other as illegitimate, or demonize…

  • How the Torah Tells the Jewish People’s Story

    In this week’s Torah portion, Chayeh Sarah, Sarah dies and Avrohom then appoints Eliezer his servant to find a wife for yitzchak.  The Torah describes in great detail the trip Eliezer takes and how he finds Rivka for Yitzchak.   Rash”i is bothered by the long detailed depiction of Eliezer’s trip and then the almost verbatim…

  • Exploring the Human Connection to Creation in Bereshit

    This week’s parsha, Bereshit, describes, among other things, the creation of the world. The creation story is partly confusing, sometimes repetitive, and seemingly missing information. Thus it makes sense that according to many classical commentaries the Torah’s creation story is not literal, but rather its purpose is to teach us important lessons and foundational concepts,…

  • The True Challenge of the Akedah

    In this week’s Torah portion, Vayera Avrohom faces the most difficult of his ten tests, to sacrifice his child.  The Akedah is perhaps the most perplexing chapter in the Torah.  How could Avrohom agree to do what was forbidden?  When Cain killed Abel it can be argued that Cain did not know it was wrong.…