• Reflections on Faith and Freedom from the Civil Rights Trail

    This week I traveled with the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington to Alabama with 20 rabbis from the DMV. (I suppose I should entitle this week’s email: “Letter from a Hotel in Montgomery”.) We went to Birmingham, Selma, and Montgomery; we visited Dr. Martin Luther King’s parsonage, the Rosa Parks Museum, and other important spots on the…

  • Miracles or Relationship? Finding God Within Us

    In this week’s parsha, Bishalach, the Jewish people witness the splitting of the sea, manna from heaven and water from a rock, and yet at the end of the parsha they seemingly have the audacity to ask, “Hayesh Hashem bikirbenu, im ayin?,”  “Is God in our midst or not?”  (Exodus 17:7).  God clearly is doing…

  • Finding Passion and Creativity in Jewish Prayer

    Is prayer an essential part of Jewish observance?   On the one hand organized thrice daily prayer is something fairly “new” in Judaism, instituted to take the place of the sacrifices which were lost with the destruction of the Temple.   On the other hand prayer goes all the way back to our ancestors who…

  • Adapting Leadership for a Changing World

    Several Parshiot ago when God appears to Moshe at the burning bush and asks him to take the Jewish people out of Egypt, the following conversation ensues: “Moshe said, “What if they do not believe me and do not listen to me, but say: The LORD did not appear to you?”   The LORD said…