In this week’s Torah portion, Vayakel-Pikudeh, Moses commands the Jewish people to give gold and silver and other materials for the building of the Tabernacle. The Torah tells us that the Jewish people were so enthusiastic that they gave more than was needed. The Midrash (Shemot Rabah) compares this to their donations of gold jewelry for the…
This week is Shabbat Shekalim, which commemorates the giving of the half shekel to the Tabernacle in the desert. There were two kinds of gifts to the Tabernacle -any amount and any material one wanted to give, from the goodness of their heart, -and the half shekel which everyone had to give. The poor…
This week’s double parsha is Vayakhel-Pekudei which concludes the book of Shemot. The parsha begins with the commandment of shabbat. But if we view these parshiot about the mishkan from 30000 feet an interesting pattern emerges. The point is made by Avivah Zornberg that the story of Moshe on the mountain learning about…
As you know by now Sunday night while walking through Rose Park I was mugged and robbed. Two individuals who no doubt saw a person they perceived to have expendable cash, jumped me. I don’t blame them, people do such things out of desperation. We often have little control over what happens to us,…