In this week’s parsha, Chukat, the Jewish people complain for water and Moshe hits the rock, resulting in the punishment that he will not be able to enter the Land of Israel. The Jewish people have complained many times before, they have thirsted for water before and Moshe has brought water from a rock for them, why now is Moshe unable to respond properly?
Perhaps this is related to what has happened just before the episode of the rock -the death of Miriam. Some say that Moshe is changed by her death and due to his mourning is not able to respond to the people as he should. But I would like to suggest that it is the people who have been changed. When a people are unified, when they are there for each other, their leaders can be effective, but when the people themselves are broken, when they are bereft, this saps the leadership too of its ability to bring redemption.
Miriam was not only Moses and Aaron’s sister but a special kind of personality who brought holiness and joy to the people. We see this in her dancing at the sea and leading all of the women too in dance. We see it in her criticism of Moshe for having left his wife to be with God on the mountain. Miriam knew the value of relationships and she was the glue which held the people together in warmth and joy. Moshe now has difficulty leading them because the people have lost their center, their sense of support and unity.
The Shul and the community are our Miriam-the building, the programming, the staff, the rituals, the history- these unify us, provide familiarity and warmth, engage us in Torah study and social events, connecting us together as one. We are blessed to be a very diverse Shul, both in background, in levels of knowledge and in age -and this is part of our magic. It takes a dynamic institution, a strong Shul, to bring together our diverse community, but that is what makes it beautiful.
This week, on Monday at noon, we will begin Kesher Israel’s annual fundraiser. The funds we raise are not just to keep the lights on, but to support the beating heart at our center which helps to bring unity, depth and joy to us all together as one community. Please do all you can to support the effort and ensure the community’s strength for the year to come.