Sukkot 2016

The sukkah is a perplexing space, symbolising a great number of things.  When something has many explanations this indicates that its nature is not completely clear to us.  Here is a list of what the Sukkah represents:

1. A Real Sukkah-The Torah writes that the purpose of the sukkah is: “In order that your generations shall know that I caused the Jewish people to dwell in sukkot when I took them out of the land of Egypt, I am the Lord your God. (Lev. 23:43)”  

2. The Temple-In the Birkat Hamzon, the Grace After Meals, we refer to the Sukkah as the, “Fallen Sukkah of David” -i.e. the Temple.   

3. Exile-According to the Midrash Yalkut Shemoni (653) the sukkah functions as a way of achieving atonement after yom kippur in case we deserve the punishment of exile.

4. A Bedroom-The Zohar says the sukkah is referenced in the phrase in Shir Hashirim, Song of Songs, “The King will bring me into His chambers and we will be joyus with Him.”

5. Clouds of Glory-One opinion in the Talmud is that the Sukkah symbolizes the Divine clouds which protected the Jews in the desert (Sukkah 11b)

I think the answer is that the Sukkah is all of these things. A relationship with God, like a  human relationship, is not monolithic.  We interact with our loved ones in many different ways.  A spouse is sometimes like a parental protector and sometimes like a vulnerable child, sometimes a lover and sometimes a sparring partner, sometimes extremely intimate and at other times deeply involved in their own lives.   Perhaps that is the sukkah’s is the message.  

The process of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are a way of shoring up and reviving our relationship with God.  There is much greater intimacy now with the Divine.  Our relationship though, like any healthy relationship, is dynamic.   Perhaps this is the message of the sukkah.  Sometimes God is the one who exiles us and sometimes God is the One we meet in the Temple, sometimes God is our intimate and protector and the sukkah is a bedroom, and sometimes God seems hidden and the sukkah is just a sukkah.  It is the diversity of the sukkah which represents a human’s real relationship with oGd.   May we merit to bring the depth and breadth of our relationship with the Divine that we have achieved during Tishrey into the rest of the year with us.   Chag Sameach.