What should our response be to living in a time in which we are aware of so many tragedies around the world as they happen? The seminal book of Musar, Misilat Yisharim, writes that we must always ask, “Mah chovati baolami”, What is my obligation in this world?” Everything which happens is a test for…
We are blessed with a community that is vibrant and diverse. Many Shuls would be overjoyed to have the liveliness that hundreds of young professionals bring to a community, the wisdom of dozens of accomplished thinkers and politicians, and the commitment that many vatikin, those who have been members of the community for decades, bring.…
This week’s Torah portion, Mishpatim, is filled with the laws. This parsha comes right after the giving of the Torah because law is so central to Jewish life. It is one of Orhtodox Judaism’s hallmarks and great strengths that halacha, Jewish law, is at the pulsating center of individual and communal life-but it is…
This past shabbat i spoke of Yitro, Moses’ father-in-law. The Torah tells us Yitro heard all that God did for the Jewish people in redeeming them from Egypt and came to moses and the Jewish people in the desert at Mount Sinai. A few verses latter Moses tells Yitro the story of God…
This week’s parsha is Mishpatim, which is filled with dozens of interpersonal laws. The Jewish People are a nation who have not worshiped God before. They were slaves for several generations in a polytheistic land. Since the Torah was just given to them wouldn’t it make more sense to follow it with a parsha of…
The Voice of Women in Holy Song and Prayer In the beginning of this past week’s Torah portion,Toldot, the Torah writes, “These are the generations of Isaac…” Surprisingly, we are told in the next verse that there are no generations, that Rivka, like each of our ancestors, was barren. The Torah comes to describe the…
This week’s torah portion, Mishpatim, literally means “laws,” and contains a large array of interpersonal civil commandments and regulations. Just before this portion the Torah teaches about the building of an altar to G-d. The altar, which symbolizes relationship and peace between the Jews and G-d, must be built out of whole stones, since…
In this week’s parsha God tells Yitzchak He will bless him, “because Avrohom listened to My voice, and guarded my commandments and my Torah.” According to Rash”i this verse tells us that Avrohom actually kept the entire Torah even though it was not yet commanded. The Kabbalah says that this was possible since…
The Talmud tells the following story in tractate Berachot 10a: “There were hooligans in Rabbi Meir’s neighborhood who caused him a great deal of anguish. Rabbi Meir prayed for God to have mercy on them, that they should die. Rabbi Meir’s wife, Berurya, said to him: What is your thinking? On what basis do you…
This week we read the double parsha of Acharey Mot and Kedoshim. Acharey Mot deals mostly with the laws of Yom Kippur and forbidden sexual relations and Kidoshim is filled with a wide variety of laws, both ritual and interpersonal. In Kedoshim the Torah states: “You shall not be unfair in judgment, do not favor…
In this week’s Torah portion, just 40 days after receiving the Divine Revelation at Mount Sinai, the Jewish people become anxious that Moses their leader will not return from on top of the mountain and they make for themselves a golden calf. In the midst of their sensual, noisy, Dionysian worship of the calf…
In this week’s torah portion, Toldot, Rebecca the wife of Isaac is pregnant with twins who are struggling and moving within her womb a great deal. She was extremely disturbed by this and went “to seek out G-d” for an explanation. She was told there are “two nations in your womb…and the elder shall serve…
The Torah is multifaceted. There are narratives and sub narratives, seeming non-sequiturs, repetitions, and juxtapositions, all of which from a traditional point of view, we believe are significant and rich grist for the interpretive mill. In the story of Abraham’s family, I detect an interesting, seemingly subversive, sub-narrative. In Parshat Lech Licha, Yitzchak is clearly…
This week’s Torah portion, Terumah, begins: “Speak to the children of Israel, and they should take terumah (gifts/donation) for me, from every person who’s heart gives, shall you take my terumah.” The Torah then proceeds to list the types of gifts that the jewish people should give for the building of the Tabernacle, such…
This Shabbat is the double parsha of Bihar-Bechukotai. In Bechukotai we read of the blessings and curses which outline the good things that will happen to the Jews as a nation if they obey the word of God and the terrible things which will befall them if they do not. Though these end…
Now to this week’s Torah portion, Trumah, in which we begin to read the description of the Tabernacle and its vessels. The laws of the Tabernacle take up an enormous amount of space in the Torah. Is the Tabernacle really so central to Jewish life that it should occupy more space than any other…
In this week’s parsha God tells Yitzchak He will bless him, “because Avrohom listened to My voice, and guarded my commandments and my Torah.” According to Rash”i this verse tells us that Avrohom actually kept the entire Torah even though it was not yet commanded. The Kabbalah says that this was possible since…